About me and about this site
Hello there! My primary alias online is 56dev_ but you may also call me hci56 or sai (or any other of a myriad of names I may choose in future), whichever you like best!
I chose 56 as my number because it matches my initials SG!
Here are a few more things about me:
- Programming Languages I know:
- Python
- GDScript
- Haskell (still learning)
- Things I like
- Tsukumizu's art (great inspiration)
- (Especially Girl's Last Tour)
- Japanese music
- Yume Nikki
- Eggs for breakfast! 🍳
- Things I dislike
- Absolutely nothing. I love everything ^_^
- Internet politics.
Now, about this site. This site was created a while ago by now and must have undergone at least 3 complete redesigns. Its intention is pretty much the same, though; it's a personal site doubling as a portfolio site where I can show my projects, thoughts, writings, opinions, art, etc. Pretty simple idea!
With all that out of the way, I hope you enjoy perusing this corner of the internet. ^_^
My links and email are back in the homepage!